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Sunny is doing really well & she is in a wonderful loving foster home with a lovely lady called Margaret, she still has a long way to go but we are determined to get her there!
She is being spilt rotten & rightly so, our girl deserves the best, so  a huge thank you to Margaret!
Sunny would like to thank all you amazing people for donating your hard-earned money to help buy her the special feeding chair she will require.
Anika Samoa has very kindly bought her the special doggie ruck sack she needs, as she has to stay upright for 30 minutes after eating, this is to keep her food down and stop her vomiting
If you still wish to donate towards Sunny’s on-going treatment you can donate through our Facebook page
or please go to our web page and click on the donate button & follow the instructions.

Las Buganvillias

Mojacar Bargains

Mojacar Playa

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