Abandoned Puppies with Parvo Virus

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Recently, 7 puppies were abandoned at the shelter gate. They turned out to have the highly contagious and potentially lethal Canine Parvo Virus (CPV).
Sadly, of the 7 puppies have already died, despite treatment. Others are ill as well, and it is not certain whether they will pull through. Everyone at the shelter has been deeply affected by this, as well as exhausted from the 24/7 care these puppies need.
But this litter is not our only worry. CPV is also endangering the lives of the 31 healthy puppies we already had in our care. And the kennels has to go into total lock- down, which means that no dogs are allowed in or out. As a consequence, WE CANNOT TAKE IN ANY MORE ANIMALS ABANDONED AT THE GATE: NEITHER CAN WE HOME ANY DOGS at the moment as they might be infected. As a precaution we have had to cancel a transport of 18 dogs to Holland in September.
This does NOT affect our cattery where it is business as usual. Potential adoptants are invited to make appointments to view our cats by contacting cats@paws-patas.org or by phoning 627 835 109. Also the transport scheduled to Holland and the UK in September to take cats to their new homes will go ahead as planned.
This is an extremely serious situation and we have to ask that NO MORE ANIMALS ARE ABANDONED AT OUR GATE. It would be highly irresponsible to do so in the current circumstances.
We would like to take this opportunity, however, to give a big thank you to people who continue to support our efforts by donating food, toys, towels, money etc.

Las Buganvillias

Mojacar Bargains

Mojacar Playa

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