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PAWS-PATAS is proud to inform you that since February 21; to date we have successfully Trapped, Neutered and Returned (TNR) 683 feral cats. This is an amazing triumph for such a small charity, trying to work with a big problem and there are only a few volunteers taking on this massive task and helping local communities in Mojácar and surrounding areas. We will stop thousands and thousands of kittens being born into an unfortunate and unknown existence, either starving to death or dying from a painful disease explained Vice-President Chrissie Cremore. We have struggled for decades with funding but thankfully a large legacy was donated specifically for our TNR campaign but this amazing gift has now been exhausted Chrissie added.

We receive no statutory funding, therefore without the dedication and generosity of our volunteers, fundraisers and YOU we could not survive. We are passionate about this campaign and want to continue this work within the communities and help with the feral cat population. To neuter a female 60/80€ - male 35/55€

A special Thank You to our fantastic and supportive vets:
Aert - Vet Care/Vera Plaza
Inka - Clinica Europa/Mojácar
Ellen - Clinivet/Turre
Angel & Elena - Centro Veterinario/Huercal Overa
Eduardo - Consultant Veterinario/Sorbas

For further information or advice please email: For donations and volunteering details, please visit our website:

ARE YOU A CAT PARENT IN A MILLION? Could you be the answer to our problem, hopes and dreams??? If you have a rural property, with no other cats and would like to adopt 2 or more adorable, sweet, friendly, gorgeous cats with “Calicivirus” then the answer may be YES!

Calicivirus is a highly contagious cat specific respiratory infection which can cause difficulty breathing, sore gums and weepy eyes and noses. Several shelter cats have this but are not showing active signs of infection - they appear as healthy, lovely, happy youngsters with big lives to live! They deserve a home, with space to play and laps to sleep on. PAWS-PATAS will pay for any Calicivirus related vet bills which may arise for these cats and be available to give you advice. It’s a “win-win” for everyone! We also need volunteers to help in the cattery. Please email: Thank youuuuu.

Las Buganvillias

Mojacar Bargains

Mojacar Playa

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