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With a total of 77 puppy’s now in our care we desperately need help!
It is so expensive to feed them all and give them the best medication they need.
Last night we had a phone call that there where 9 very tiny puppy’s left in someone his garden. We took them in and yes very tiny, skinny and dehydrated and all were freezing cold
One of these puppy’s didn’t had eyes and unfortunately we lost him this morning.
We named them all after Mario bros and little Yoshi has sadly go to doggy heaven.
All help would be very much appreciated.
If you can donate for all these puppy’s or if you can help by fostering a few puppy’s that would be really amazing
Fill in a foster form or donate via our Paypal link on our website
Tthank you very much!

Las Buganvillias

Mojacar Bargains

Mojacar Playa

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