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Every week we want to introduce one of our fantastic volunteers
Meet Sharon!
Hi my name is Sharon, I'm 51 and I've lived in Spain for 6½ years . I started volunteering at PAWS-PATAS in October 2021. I was worried at first that I wouldn't be able to handle the emotional side of volunteering at the shelter, but I thought I'd give it a go , I'm pleased to say its an absolute pleasure, the dogs get excited to see you, as I do to see them!
It's not all about cleaning the kennels and picking up poo ( although we do, and sometimes a lot ) I get to sit and brush them , play ball , take them for walks and it really does make a difference to a dogs day. There's a great team of volunteers at PAWS-PATAS and there is always a meal out or an arrangement to look forward to, so it's also a great way to socialise and meet like-minded people.
I would encourage anyone to give volunteering a  go, not only can it make all the difference to a dogs day it makes a difference to your day too!!
And hopefully we will see you soon!

Las Buganvillias

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