“PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stop leaving cats and young kittens at our shelter gates“ begs President Vicky Hall...“we are at breaking point and have no way of giving them all the love and attention they need, nor do we have the space to accommodate them all. Just last week 7 were found crammed into a crate which took two of us to lift”.
There are currently 39 kittens which have been abandoned over the last 3 weeks as well as the ones that PAWS-PATAS have arranged to help. In total there are now 48 young kittens and another 29 adults to take care of and hopefully find homes for. These kittens vary between 4-8 weeks old and are left in various conditions of health, most of them have been snatched from their mothers and crowded into a box or carrier and left at the shelter gates In the early hours of the morning. They are incredibly stressed, cold and often dehydrated; riddled with parasites and semi-feral, some with health issues which will take many weeks to overcome.
Their facilities are small and they have now been forced to put the latest batch of kittens into caravans which normally house oversea volunteers. “Please sterilise your cats and if you need help to do this, we can help” stresses Committee Member Babs Williams. “We will do all we can to stop the endless stream of unwanted kittens being born, but we also need your help to do this” she added. “We have actively helped to Trap, Neuter and Release (TNR) 242 feral and colony cats in the last 4 months and will continue our TNR Campaign as long as our funds allow. Email:
Also the cattery is desperate for more volunteers. Can you spare a few hours per would make a massive difference to them...and a rewarding one for you. Please email: For all other information visit our website: