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Every week we want to introduce one of our fantastic volunteers...

Meet Karen & Dave!

Karen and Dave started volunteering in 2021 and were hooked from the start.

"We go religiously twice a week to walk the dogs otherwise withdrawal symptoms set in. We must have walked 100's of dogs and its such a joyful experience to bond with them and see them develop from being shy and introverted to happy and confident. Our happiest days are when we find out some have been adopted. So If you have a few hours spare a week, come and join us you won't regret it."

For more information, please email cats@paws-patas.org or dogs@paws-patas.org or have a look on our website www.paws-patas.org/volunteering/

Las Buganvillias

Mojacar Bargains

Mojacar Playa

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